
The Faces Of Giving

Friday, 2 February, 2024 - 12:00 am


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Before his passing, Jacob blessed his children and extolled their unique gifts. He praised the partnership between Issachar and Zebulun: the one would devote his life to the study and dissemination of Torah, producing scholars and teachers; the latter would build wealth and support his brother’s Torah study. Issachar is the elder of the two, yet Jacob blesses Zebulun first, for his support ensures the transmission of Judaism. 

The success of Chabad’s work on behalf of the Jewish people depends on this symbiotic relationship between partners. Shluchim, who go out to establish and serve communities in the capacity of Issachar — disseminators of Torah — cannot do so without financial supporters to serve as their Zebulun. 

Who are they? Why do they give? What do they get? 

Here we meet some of these sons and daughters of Jacob, and learn what drives this partnership.

Chabad Lubavitch Of Oregon – Portland, Oregon
David Howitt 

Founder and CEO, Meriwether Group

I first encountered Chabad as a young child in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My parents had divorced and as the security of my family unraveled, I thrived in the acceptance and connection that Rabbi Yossi and Sarah Weingarten gave me.

It wasn’t until years later, now living in Portland, that I reconnected with Chabad. After moving to the city as an adult, I searched for a synagogue for a while but nothing clicked. Then I met Rabbi Chayim and Simi Mishulovin. 

As I got to know them, we talked a lot about the modern Jew who wants soulfulness, depth, and a real connection with his heritage. But he wants it in a way that aligns with how he lives his life. That’s the amazing thing about Chabad. They’re never going to make you feel bad about what you’re not doing. And because they are that way, it has invited me to deepen my faith, practice, and connection to G-d.

Together with Rabbi and Simi, we have been conducting focus groups for all demographics of Jews, asking, “what is that Jewish itch that you haven’t been able to scratch?” 

As an entrepreneur I seek to bring a newness and relevance to consumers and we’re doing that here, at the Urban Jewish Oasis in downtown Portland, where we will offer a living room and kosher kitchen space to serve every Jewish need. We’re serving up Judaism with love. It’s here for you when you are available and willing.

 See full article here.



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